Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Reptile Podcast

Here is the class’s first attempt at a Podcast. The class had the unique opportunity to Interview World renowned reptile expert form the National Geographic Channel, Dr. Brady Barr. Each group had a set of questions to ask the expert. The interview was then used in a fictitious radio station broadcast. We had allot of fun with the project and want to thank Dr. Brady Barr publicly for offering his time and expertise.

  • Click here to listen to group one's podcast consisting of Nicole, John Amber and Andrew interview Dr. Barr about the "American Crocodile."
  • Click here to listen to group two's podcast consisting of Sheena, Cresheva and Briancca interview Dr. Barr about the "American Alligator".

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Killer Jellies

Explain how the killer box jellies can cause death in unsuspecting swimmers.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

zygote development

zygote development
Originally uploaded by rfullington.
What does the illustrated process show about the differences in patterns of embryology among kinds of animals?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Eeny, Meeny, Miny..Domino?

OK, some alleles are dominant and show up...some allelesshow a mixture of the combination. What happened here with this domino chicken? Both alleles are expressed!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Dihybrid Cross

Give me the phenotypic ratio of the following Dihybrid cross.

Purple Flowers-dominant

Cross a plant that is heterozygous for both traits with a plant that is homozygous tall with white flowers.

Is Dominant Dominant all of the time??

We have been talking about dominant and recessive genes. The dominant allele is expressed (shows) in the presence of a recessive allele. How can a white FOur-o'clock and a violet Four-o'clock produce a purple Four-o'clock when crossed?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What happened to my hair?

What is the name for pattern baldness? Explain, using genetics, why more men experience male pattern baldness than women.
Can you list any other genetic traits or disorders that work the same way as pattern baldness?

Friday, January 27, 2006


What do you know about claymation?

What do you want to know about claymation?

Next week we will begin a claymation project to demonstrate the steps of cellular division. Post your comments about the project here!